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Breaking Barriers And Inspiring Change

Jacinta Price: A Force to be Reckoned With

Breaking Barriers and Inspiring Change

Pioneer in Indigenous Representation

Jacinta Yangapi Nampijinpa Price, born in 1981, is a Warlpiri-Celtic woman who has made an indelible mark on the Australian political landscape. As a former deputy mayor of Alice Springs and current Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians, she has emerged as a powerful voice for her people and a beacon of inspiration for all.

Unveiling the Truth

Price's unwavering commitment to bridging the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is evident in her relentless pursuit of truth and reconciliation. She has fearlessly challenged the status quo, exposing the systemic failures that have plagued Indigenous communities for decades. Her unflinching gaze has shed light on the complexities of Indigenous issues, prompting a much-needed national conversation.

Championing Indigenous Empowerment

Beyond her advocacy for truth, Price is a staunch advocate for Indigenous empowerment. She believes that Indigenous people must have a say in their own future and that their voices must be heard in the halls of power. Her unwavering support for Indigenous self-determination has resonated deeply with communities across the country, empowering them to take ownership of their lives and destinies.


Jacinta Price is a true force to be reckoned with. Her unwavering determination, unwavering advocacy, and indomitable spirit have made her an icon of change. As she continues to navigate the political arena, she leaves a lasting impression on all who encounter her, inspiring hope and igniting the flame of reconciliation.
